In accordance with epidemiologic thread to swine herd, the principles of bio-assurance are obligatory at the whole farm area; all suppliers are obliged to preserve them.
Danish Farming Consultants Sp z o.o.
Rzeczyce, ul. Piaskowa 16,
44-164 Gliwice
TEL: 032/ 270 15 79,
FAX: 032/ 270 15 97
NIP 631-10-21-786,
VATUE PL6311021786,
REGON 272617540, KRS 0000108449
The District Court in Gliwice,
X Commercial Department of National Court Register
capital of 3 483 000 PLN
Chief Executive Officer-Member of the Board
Anna Kwiecińska
Manager of animal production
Dawid Wyszyński and Piotr Wasiak
Manager of crop production
John Rasmussen
Technical manager
Michał Spyrka
Data Protection Supervisor